

Ari Damayanti

Life is not always as we expect. However, we must still strive to achieve what we dream. Grief and pain must be approached, but there is always a way back to happiness.

Just like everyone, I will need a companion who is not human. That faithfully accompany with all his life, which can be a true friend till my time or their time is come.

And I have it now, Doru, Billie and Miho. They are my true friend, cute funny cats who always make a fuss and always demanding. But, by their presence, my life was perfect. I can tell anything to them, sorrow, pain, confusion, and heartbreak.

Thank's to God by sent them to me. I do really love you my sweet kitties.
Oriflame Cosmetics

Oriflame Cosmetics

Saturday, May 19, 2012

My Pretty Little Princess

Aiana Kylani 8 years old

When she was 5th

When She was 3rd
When she was 7th

She Love to Sing          

When she was 6th  

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