

Ari Damayanti

Life is not always as we expect. However, we must still strive to achieve what we dream. Grief and pain must be approached, but there is always a way back to happiness.

Just like everyone, I will need a companion who is not human. That faithfully accompany with all his life, which can be a true friend till my time or their time is come.

And I have it now, Doru, Billie and Miho. They are my true friend, cute funny cats who always make a fuss and always demanding. But, by their presence, my life was perfect. I can tell anything to them, sorrow, pain, confusion, and heartbreak.

Thank's to God by sent them to me. I do really love you my sweet kitties.
Oriflame Cosmetics

Oriflame Cosmetics

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Cravings Brownies

Hari ini dapet pesenan bikin brownies dadakan dari adik ipar yang lagi hamil,,,,padahal kemarin baru aja gw kirimin setengah loyang brownies,,,hmmmmmmmm mendadak repot niy,,,,,krna ga bisa ditunda, makmlum lagi hamil hhihihihiihihihi semoga brownies gw ga gagal,,,,,,,

ini niyyyy my lovely sis law - tp ini sebelum hamil -

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